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What is ISO 26000?

What is ISO 26000?

ISO 26000 is characterized as the international standard created to assist associations with evaluating and address social duties that are important and important to their central goal and vision; tasks and cycles; clients, representatives, networks, and different partners; and environmental effect. What is ISO 26000?


  • It is expected as direction, not for certification.
  • Presents exhaustive documentation of social responsibilities, including core subjects and issues identified with those subjects.
  • It was published in 2010 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a specific global office for normalization made out of more than 160 countries’ national standards.
  • It was composed of a unique multi-sectoral bunch addressing governments; non-governmental associations (NGOs); industry; purchaser gatherings; work, education, counselling, and organizations worldwide. 
  • More than 400 specialists and 200 spectators from 99 nations and 42 worldwide associations added to the development effort.
  • Last reviewed for possible modification in 2014.

The ISO 26000 standard gives guidance on:

  • Perceiving social responsibility and connecting with partners
  • Approaches to coordinate socially dependable conduct into the association

The Seven Critical Basic Standards of Social Responsibility

  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Ethical behaviour
  • Respect for:
  • Stakeholder interests
  • The rule of law
  • International norms of behaviour
  • Human rights

The Seven Core Subjects and Issues Relating to Social Responsibility

  • Organizational governance
  • Human rights
  • Labour practices
  • The environment
  • Fair operating practices
  • Consumer issues
  • Community involvement and development

Notwithstanding, giving definitions and data to assist associations with comprehension and address social responsibility, ISO 26000-2010 underscores the significance of results and upgrades in social responsibility execution.

Organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit areas, regardless of whether huge or little, and whether working in created or agricultural nations, use ISO 26000. The entirety of the core subjects of social responsibility applies here and there to each organization.

Since the core subjects cover various issues, associations will profit when they recognize which issues are generally pertinent and critical for them by assessing their contemplations and discourse with partners.

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