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ISO 45001 Transition Course

ISO 45001 Transition Course

ISO 45001 Transition Course

ISO 45001 Transition Course

Finally, the standard for occupational health and safety released by ISO. ISO 45001:2018, is the first version by ISO in replacement of BS OHSAS 18001:2007. ISO 45001 transition course shall replace the BS OHSAS for all the auditors of OHSAS 18001:2007.

This change is mandatory to carry out the audits of OHSMS in organizations. However, OHSAS 18001:2007 will no longer be valid and ISO 45001 will hold its status of certification.

This transition carry two modules authorized by CQI-IRCA.

1. Module 1 – Annex SL
2. Module 2 – ISO 45001:2018 Transition from BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard

Participants has to attend single day course for each module. It all depends upon to participants to select module 2 if they already carry module 1 – Annex SL certificate.

So, on the other hand the demand of OHS is growing in the industries related to various types of occupation in the dynamic environment. Therefore, this is the right time to adopt this BS standard of OHS by ISO like other famous standards ISO 9001 used to be BS 5750 and so many other standards adopted by ISO and industries are getting potential outcomes from them; consequently.

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