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What is Annex SL and why it is used?

What is Annex SL and why it is Used?

Since, “SL” is just the sequential number of an Annex inside various additions as a component of a record named, ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 “Merged ISO Supplement — Procedures explicit to ISO”.

As, Annex L (initially, Annex SL, at that point rename in 2019 as Annex L); is a management system design that helps streamline of new standards. And makes actualizing different norms inside one association easier.

Annex SL gives the new elevated level structure for ISO management systems standards; — it replaces the authentic ISO Guide 83 and develops the base structure previously actualized. It has made to present indistinguishable core content and basic terms and definitions.

However, ; when considering their guidelines, ISO acknowledged they expected to build up a typical, ten-rung; elevated level structure to improve comprehensibility and comprehension. Their completed product looks something like this:

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  • Scope
  • Regulating references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Context of the organization
  • Administration
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Activity
  • Execution assessment
  • Improvement

Since, all new ISOs — including ISO 9001:2015 — based on this structure, and there’s work  completed on executing these into past and future norms. Sharing basic content, terms, and definitions will be the main driving force for these principles.


Since; the ten-provision structure makes principles simpler to peruse, follow and comprehend, which will prompt consistency across your association, particularly when you need to stick to more than one ISO.

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Addition SL fits primary components and specialized wording, changing them into something versatile to fit around your specificities and necessities.

Additionally, ; guarantees consistency among guidelines, making execution of different ISOs a lot simpler, in addition to you’ll set aside time and money.

Considering the scope of standard(s) it would modify accordingly, to the requirements of management system and organizational scopes and applicable functions and business processes that the organization has to justify in the form of manual or SOP.

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