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sedex certification

Global Standards is happy to guide about Supplier Ethical Data Exchange – SEDEX in a way that can easily be understood. This code of SEDEX is actually developed for CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility in which Buyer and Seller can co-operate with trust at the time of doing business.

In this white paper you will find the benefits and relevant feature of this code

SEDEX requirements are subject to a regular review under the rules by which all are written. Following a substantial SMETA user survey the committee decided that a review was appropriate and created the following objectives to maintain its relevance to current market for long term bases. However, this change is not going to change upto ten years so that organizations can penetrate in SEDEX with more durability.

©  Global Standards. All rights reserverd for this documented information shared for reading purpose only.

White Paper - SEDEX - Supplier Ethical Data Exchange

Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a not for profit member ship organization dedicated to driving improvement in responsible and ethical business practises in global supply chains. It is Incorporated with the team SMETA – SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audit. It has 9 clauses to fullfill the requirement of Assesments.

● Freely Employment
● Freedom of Association
● Working Condition
● Prohibition of Child Labour
● Living Wages
● Working Hours
● No Discrimination Practices
● Regular Employment
● No Harsh Inhumane Treatment
● Environment
● Business Ethics

White Paper - SEDEX - Supplier Ethical Data Exchange


Benefits for Workers, Trade Unions and NGOs:

● Enhanced opportunities to organize trade unions and bargain collectively.
● A tool to educate workers about core labor rights.
● Another opportunity to work directly with business on labor rights issues.
● Public awareness of companies committed to assuring humane working

Benefits for Business:

● Putting company values into action.
● Enhancing company and brand reputation.
● Improving employee recruitment, retention and performance.
● Increase reputation from customer and productivity continuously.

Benefits for Consumers and Investors:

● Clear and credible assurance for ethical purchasing decisions.
● Identification of products made ethically and companies committed
to ethical sourcing.
● Broad coverage of product categories and production geography.

Global Standards shall provide the plan for the sake of this standard along with the requirements relevant to it. Entire the benefits are concerned to the organizational health and also the benefits keep the organization. All the requirements shall be implemented thoroughly to keep the organization applicable to produce the products for buyer

© Global Standards. All rights reserverd for this documented information shared for reading purpose only.

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