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Worldwide Responsible For Accredited Production

A CSR Requirments for the Buyer with Compact Standard

ISO certification consultancy

Success through management excellence

ctpat certification

Global Standards is happy to guide Worldwide Responsible For Accredited Production – WRAP in a way that becomes easy to understand. The Comprehensive requirements related to Social, Health, Safety, Environment and Safety of custom borders that a manufacturer has to adopt for the achievement of certification

In this white paper you will find the basic benifits however, Our guidlines are not included in it.

WRAP is subject to a regular review under the rules by which all are written. Requirements of the WRAP committee decides that a review was appropriate and created the following objectives to maintain its relevance to the current market on long-term bases

© Global Standards. All rights reserverd for this documented information shared for reading purpose only.

WRAP - Worldwide Responsible For Accredited Production

The Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) program is the world’s most extensive facility certification program, mainly focused on the apparel, footwear and sewn products sectors. Facilities receive a certification of six months to one year based on compliance with the 12 WRAP Principles.

The WRAP Principles are based on accepted international workplace standards, local laws, and workplace regulations encompassing human resources management, health and safety, environmental practices, and legal compliance, including import/export and customs compliance and security standards.

WRAP has adopted management systems approach toward compliance which requires that senior management adopt the WRAP principles in writing, assign the necessary staff to ensure the required practices are implemented throughout the facility, and that an internal audit system is in place to ensure continuous compliance. Facilities must undergo a rigorous self-assessment and be audited by an independent third-party monitoring company.

White Paper - WRAP - Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production


Benefits for Workers, Trade Unions and NGOs:

● Enhanced opportunities to organize trade unions and bargain collectively
● A tool to educate workers about core labour rights
● Another opportunity to work directly with businesses on labour rights issues
● Public awareness of companies committed to assuring humane working conditions

Benefits for Business:

● Putting company values into action
● Enhancing company and brand reputation
● Improving employee recruitment, retention and performance
● Increase reputation, reliability and productivity
● Potential for US Buyers

Benefits for Consumers and Investors:

● Clear and credible assurance for ethical purchasing decisions
● Identification of products made ethically and companies committed to ethical sourcing
● Broad coverage of product categories and production geography
● Increase the interest of US Buyers

Global Standards is willing; to get certified for WRAP so that exporters can quickly satisfy the US buyers and their regulatory requirements to import the products. Completing and implementing the requirements is the aim of Global Standards for its valuable clients, along with successful certification consultancy. Call Us: 0306-2708496 or Contact Us


©  Global Standards. All rights reserverd for this documented information shared for reading purpose only.

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